Monday, May 5, 2008

Does Anyone Give a Damn?

[From Christine ] Everywhere you turn-- the Internet, newspapers, magazines-- there's so much talk, suggestions and hype about "going green". From the media, then the vendors (electrical appliance manufacturers to sodapop companies), to the celebrities (Matt Damon). What about Average Americans? Excuse my Frenglish: Does anyone give a damn? Are Americans really going green by driving smaller cars or hybrids to taking public transportation, to formulating their own household cleaners? Based on the number of SUVs on the road, it's hard to tell if the needle has moved on the green-o-meter.

Why do I ask? Candidly I have just been appointed "Green Champion" in my office. Not that I was runner up to Al Gore for the Nobel Prize. Rather our headquarters announced a Green Challenge for the company worldwide and yours truly was randomly picked to represent the Florida office. In reading the directives this is a serious job responsibility. "Measuring and tracking the reduction of carbon emissions and therefore our carbon footprint..." This is serious work! But I embrace it! For once, I may be able to beat my sister in Trivial Pursuit (on a new edition that includes Green questions).

Where to begin? Let me think about that for a moment.

So I embark on this new journey to the Green Oz with uncertainty but excitement and welcome your input, advice, insight and comments.

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